Virgo Season

I'm a little late posting this blog! My apologies Virgo peeps! But here I am and here you are now… if you are reading this…

Virgo season starts August 23rd and goes through September 22nd. August 23rd I was gearing up for Burning Man and now I am just winding down from it all. Plus running two online businesses, being a mom, working full time at the hospital and just trying to do life. 

Nonetheless, I wanted to jump in here to post just a bit about Virgo season. My sister celebrated her 34th birthday on September 8th and a few other close Virgo friends also had birthdays, so this post is for them! 

We all embody the zodiac so I will make this as general as possible. Virgo is a mutable Earth sign and represents the maiden. It is also ruled by Mercury which was in retrograde from August 23rd to September 15th along with 6 other planets plus Chiron (an astroid) which makes the end of this year fucking CRAY! 

Pluto Retrograde: May 1 – October 11, 2023, 

Neptune Retrograde: June 30 – December 6, 2023, 

Saturn Retrograde: June 17 – November 4, 2023, 

Venus Retrograde: July 22 – September 3, 2023, 

Chiron Retrograde: July 23 – December 26, 2023, 

Uranus Retrograde: August 28, 2023 – January 27, 2024, 

Jupiter Retrograde: September 4 – December 31, 2023

(Maree, 2023)

What is the big deal with all this retro talk? Why does it matter? Well BIG THINGS. Retrogrades happen all the time in space and what is physically happening is that planets are moving backwards. This shakes things up because as the planets re-trace their steps back in time so do we. 

The movement of the planets, the sun, and the moon DOES ACTUALLY affect us tiny humans here on Earth believe it or not. 

Why do you think they bother to put the moon phases on all the calendars you buy? Just for fun? NO ERRR WRONG. Because it matters. 

Anyway back to the retrogrades. They beg us to ask ourselves questions like:

 “Have we learned the lessons from our past?” 

“Can we change and take that big leap of faith forward from where are now to make that change?”

 “What is our purpose here?”

DEEP questions but full of deep answers if you are willing to go there. Virgo season is asking us to transform. To grow beyond what we normally think we can do. To be held accountable for the actions we take. 

This sign is mutable meaning that change of the seasons is upon us. We are moving into Autumn, slowing down, assessing where we are and where we want to be. Letting go of what doesn’t serve us, allowing our “leaves” to die then fall away from us, and then moving us closer to the  “going within” stages.

If you resonate with any of this then great if not then great. Either way it is all GREAT!

*I am not a full-blown astrologer I have help from many resources. I find astrology fascinating and helpful when I need validation or reasoning for the way I feel or perceive things. If you would like more information surrounding Virgo season and the Reterogrades I would highly recommend checking out:

Renee Stills at

Alice Sparkly Kat at,______Moon/

Look up your natal chart at

Follow them on Instagram! These people have changed my life with astrology! Thank you!

Resources for Reterogrades
Maree, J (August 30th, 2023) “There are 7 planets in Retrograde right now. Here’s what that means for you.”


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