photo taken by Maxine Roach in my front yard in Bend, Or

What exactly is breathwork ?

Like fitness, ‘breathwork’ is an umbrella term with different types of breathwork under the term (Crimi, 2023). The type that I teach and practice is called Circular breathwork. Circular breathwork is a connected breathing pattern. It is similar but not the same as Holotropic breathwork.

Scientists have studied breathwork for years; however, little is known by the general public about what it is and its many benefits. The infamous Stanislav Grof studied breathwork closely in the early 1970s with an influence of the ancient practice of Pranayama, Grof developed his own technique called Holotropic Breathwork (Rock et. al, 2015).

 Breathwork is now being reintroduced as a form of physical and mental therapy (Fincham et al., 2023). Among the many famous healers and therapists like Stanislav Grof; are Wim Hoff and Jon Paul Crimi, who are breaking the proverbial ceiling by adding a curated music playlist and other therapies to enhance the participant's experience.

“The first time I did breathwork, I felt an energy shift. My hands got crampy, my face got numb and tingly, and I felt more relaxed than I had been in a long time. I wanted to practice breathwork again immediately!”- Whitney

photo added from stock image for my Breathwork website

Studies have shown that during slow, conscious, and controlled breathing, carbon monoxide levels go down, and oxygen levels go up. This creates a number of phenomena like decreased anxiety, increased oxygenated tissue, and mental release (Meuret, 2010). 


Physically- People may experience tingling in the body. An individual's body temperature might decrease or increase. If the exhale is forced or a person is mineral deficient their hands can cramp up and become painful this is called Tetany (Glenn, 2022). Tetany is very common for beginners and hands will resume normal feeling with a few normal exhales in and out through the nose.

”Emotions can and will come up” (Crimi, 2023). One of the main reasons people practice breathwork is to allow emotions that have been stuck to come out. Breathwork can release stuck emotions that are from the subconscious. It is encouraged to let the emotions flow without judgment or worry.

Our brains try to resist anything uncomfortable or new (Crimi, 2023). Pushing through the uncomfortable is how we grow. During breathwork, an incredible thing can happen where your brain turns off called ‘transient hypofrontality (Dietrich, 2006). It is amazing! The critic that lives in your frontal lobe takes a nap and you can let go.

“I practice breathwork everyday and almost anywhere I can, safely. It is the best anti-anxiety relief I have found!” - Whitney

photo taken by Maxine Roach in my front yard in Bend, Or for my Breathwork website.


1. Transformation in consciousness
2. A renewed sense of clarity
3. Reduced anxiety
4. Increased self-esteem
5. Enhances psychological flexibility
6. Improved sleep quality
7. Aids in Cardiopulmonary (lung and heart) health
8. Release of anxiety and fear
9. Connecting mind and body
10. Tingly feels

Dani Gordon is a medical doctor who specializes in areas of psychology, mind-body medicine, and brain training. Dr. Gordon holds weekly TV shows on guided meditations, Yoga Nidra, and many other topics surrounding the field of healing and living a stress-free life.


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