breathwork community

Join me in monthly community events and upcoming workshops by following me on my Instagram!

Join our community

Bend, Oregon is known for its lively outdoor community.

The community here is everything!

Get to know others in the community who enjoy breathwork as much as you do.

Sign up for my newsletter to receive updates on community events and workshops!

My friend Maxine Roach modeling for me in my living room for my Breathwork website.


  • Arrive early, stay late!

  • A group breathwork class is 75 minutes, including 28-30 minutes of active breathwork. A private session could be shorter or longer depending on the individual's needs.

  • This is ‘breath’ with a capital ‘W-O-R-K,’ it is suggested to eat lite before class. One of the best times to do breathwork is in the morning. Breathwork can help with sleep too; practicing a few hours before bed is a good time as well! (Anytime is a great time as long as you are in a safe space)

  • Do bring a warm blanket, an eyemask, something to lay on (yoga or camping mat), and an open mind.

  • Do bring a friend or (don’t)

  • Do just show up!  

  • Don’t bring your dog, cat, child, or phone to class.

Book 1-on-1 session with me

IS breathwork dangerous?

According to Jon Paul Crimi, breathwork is no more dangerous than going to the gym or riding a bike (Crimi, 2023). A case study by Fincham et. al. (2023), reported no adverse effects from breathwork. However, there are a few contraindications you may want to take into account when considering if breathwork is right for you.

Cardiovascular disease, history of a heart attack, hypertension, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, recent surgery, any condition for which you take heavy medications, history of psychosis or mental disturbances, severe mental illness, seizure disorders, pregnancy, or active addiction (Crimi, 2023) & (Cronkleton, 2018).