Leo season

Wow! Lions and tigers and bears OH MY

 Leo season is here! Leo the Lion barged in with an enormous roar of drama, tears, love, shame, understanding, kindness, humility, courage and uhhh whats that smoke in the air? Oh yeah FIRE. 

Leo Season is July 23- August 22nd and is ruled by the sun and the 5th house. The inner-teen, the heart, the spine and the solar plexus are all connected to Leo season. 

I am late with writing my usual blog for this season, which is typical (being late) for some of the Leo sun signs I know...


The perpetual stalking the lion performs while hunting its prey, has been wide awake in my soul! I put off writing so I could bravely dive into a meaty investment opportunity! 

This season has been powerful not only because it’s the element of fire but also Venus has been in retrograde. 

What does that mean? Why do people keep saying that?


Venus represents love and relationships. So when its moving backward (or appearing to move backward from our viewpoint on earth aka retrograde) it tends to shake things up.

 Everything in astrology has a good and bad. Or a positive and negative. But the negative, (the bad, the ugly) isn't something one should ignore or stray away from. Sitting in the uncomfortable is where we grow. We learn through pain. 

Think about it like this… When we physically grow it hurts. Our baby teeth fall out and that can be weird and painful but then its a joyous occasion right!?  Because, not only do we get money from our favortie tooth fairy, but we get a new set of teeth that will aid us in nourishing our adult body. 

My son is a toddler, he is growing at an incredible rate. Learning new words, how to void in the toilet, coordinate his limbs, sleep in a big boy bed, understand his feelings, the list goes on. He doesn’t complain much about his physical and mental growth. He isn’t scared to get bigger and better at things. He doesn’t hide his feelings when they come up or apologize for being angry or sad. He is the truest  and most authentic version of himself at this point. 

He is wonderful, I love him even when he throws food on the floor or screams for no good reason at the top of his little lungs (sometimes I’ll scream with him too because why not?). 

 I show him unconditional love. He ultimately mimics the behavior and loves himself unconditionally as well. 
This won’t last for long. Unfortunately, we will encounter trauma either mentally and/or physically which will change us… How we face our trauma and recover from it will be where the magic healing and growing happens.

We can’t avoid trauma or ‘life on life’s terms.’ You could have the best parents, go to the best school and have the best of everything in the world yet still experience trauma from an outside influence , a classmate, the news, work, etc.. We all process trauma differently. So what might upset me might be perfectly digestable for you. 

I digress… 

The point I am trying to make is that we humans CANNOT grow mentally, physically, or spiritually without some sort of pain!

 (Sorry/not sorry to break it to yah). 

Here’s the caveat, in order to grow, this ‘pain’ needs to be organic.  The pain will then grant you a chance to learn and recover. The grace and awareness with which you use to recover from ‘the pain’ is where the growth, the spiritual awakenings and beauty begins to happen. 

Avoiding YOUR problems/perceived challenges is not growth! Your mind sometimes likes to tell you fictional stories about the future, but they are fake. The mind is where the ego lives, your ego is constantly trying to control you to keep you safe. But your spirit and your heart will chime in and say ‘take the chance’ CHANGE for once and see where it takes you… 

This Leo season is all about challenging our egos. It is asking that we create relationships that will last. And that we follow what’s in our hearts and dreams…

How do we do that? 

First, we create a loving relationship with ourselves. 

You heard me correctly! Before we create long lasting relationships with others we need to be in a steady relationship with Our own self.


We stop judging ourselves for past mistakes, we stop giving away our precious energy, we stop telling ourselves we can’t do the hard things, we stop doubting everything and everyone especially our own selves, we stop doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. 

WE start to change the lies or stories the ego has been telling us for so many years. The stories the ego fed us to keep us safe as children or babies. The stories society has falsely labeled, sold and had us believe we should buy.... These are just stories. They are only true if you keep giving them energy. The stories might not even be stories you told yourself but stories you carried on for your parents, grandparents, or family of origin. 

Changing and growing can be beautiful and I’m not saying that you are a defective person because you haven’t changed or you don’t want/need to change…

Changing isn’t becoming a different person it is RETRUNING to who you were born to be. 


It could be messy, incredible, scary, intimidating, lovely, crazy, transformational, confusing, amazing, hard, easy, or something you can’t put into words. 

 Either way the experience is like a new pair of glasses! 

Return = reborn

 Finding the truest version of yourself and accepting your true form is an act of courage (Lion/Leo). Accepting where you are right now and accepting you cannot change people or situations is where the humility lies. The courage to notice this and then decide how to react is where you will find your serenity, peace and power.

This Leo season has been one of my favorites. As a fellow fire sign I can feel the power and I am relishing in every bit of it.

If you want to achieve your goals and be the best version of you keep digging. Keep asking questions and listening to your heart NOT your head. 

Be the lion who found thier courage. Be the lion that stalks thier thoughts and reactions like antelope on the Savanah. Be the lion that isn’t afraid to let out a ROAR and be heard!

Sit with yourself. Sit with fire. Allow the Lion within you to be set free.

Free the beast!

I hope you enjoyed this writing. 

I owe all my astrological knowledge to Renee Sills at embodiedastrology.com 

Renee’s writing and inspiration to dive into the Zodiac has been phenomenal. 

Thank you Renee for what you do!


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Missing Maui