libra season

September 23- October 23

I am really very late in posting this and it is interesting because as I read my favorite astrologer's notes (Renee Sills at I see that Renee also had a late start to writing about Libra season! 

Renee states in her past reading of Libra season

              “Over the past many months, I have felt increasingly resistant to reading for the next season while still living through the season before. I often find that my perspective and energy shifts remarkably with the light and temperature changes of each new zodiacal cycle, and I’ve fest that my readings are better for the season ahead when I give myself at least a few hours to experience its initiatory vibrations…” (Renee Sills, 2023). 

I absolutely adore this teacher/astrologer and have learned so much through the past year from them. I highly recommend paying the monthly membership to attend their online Mo(o)nday somatic workshops! 

The month of Libra season was HUGE. I really identified with the change of perspective that was addressed in the reading from Renee. I thought about how sometimes I have such strong and narrow-minded perspectives or views about something I haven’t even tried before. 

Can you relate? 

For example… I thought breathwork was going to be boring. 

I thought because there was no movement involved (like yoga or dance) that I wouldn’t have a fulfilling experience. That the class would essentially be a waste of time and money. I thought laying on the floor and just breathing would be so LAME. 

Nonetheless, I was urged by my friend Molly to try just ONE class and since I was newly sober, and had nothing else to do at the time, I decided FINE I’ll go see what all the fuss is about. 

As I entered the classroom I remember seeing a person who brought in a sheepskin rug to lay down on, a bolster, an eye cover, and a blanket. 

I thought “fuck, I didn’t bring any of that! Next time I want a sheepskin!” Sheesh so underprepared, and a bit embarrassed but I laid down and followed the instructor's directions. 

There wasn’t a lot of people in the class and I sort of liked that because I had no idea what I was doing. An older gentleman was groaning halfway through and breathing really loudly. I thought maybe he was having an out-of-body experience... I wanted that! 

So… I kept breathing and my hands began to cramp up really badly. I got worried, but I just kept breathing. I got a tingly and buzzy feeling and then at the end, we released a big exhale and I saw and felt light fill my entire body! My hands went back to normal and my perspective on breathwork changed…

COVID happened and I wasn’t able to get to another breathwork class. Fast forward to post-COVID, summer of 2022, and my friend Cristy invited me to a breathwork class. I remember being absolutely willing to go but at the same time having low expectations. I did not realize that the class would be filled with over 100 people. I got excited to see so many people wanting to do breathwork! I saw people from the hospital and was amazed at the turnout for this class. 

As I mentioned before, I had little to zero expectations and because of this, I was catapulted into the 4th dimension! My future breathwork mentor Jon Paul Crimi guided me through one of the most transformative moments in my sobriety and I was hooked (still am)!

I was struck by the ease of the pattern of breathwork that Jon Paul taught us that evening. I loved the music and the gong that he added to the experience. I cried so hard from the powerful messages that I heard, the most powerful one to date is “You are enough.” (Crimi, 2022) 

Stunned by Jon Paul’s breathwork class,  I went home that night and signed up for his online Sunday class and soon after another in-person one and then the teacher training that was being held in Bend, Oregon in April 2023, a month later… this was after three classes! 

I practiced breathwork all the time. I played around with different music and settings. I breathed at concerts on the lawn in the Hayden Homes amphitheater to Rufus Du Sol.  I breathed in my trailer during the dust storms at Burning Man. I breathed in my bedroom when I couldn’t go to sleep. I invited friends to classes and I started to invite people over to my house to try it out too! 

My perspective changed. 

It was so powerful. 

Something that I thought would be BORING ended up changing the entire course of my life… 

This past Libra season a lot happened. 

I got knee surgery to repair my meniscus and was told that I would need another surgery soon because of all the cartilage loss… 

I was ANGRY at first because I didn’t understand the reasoning. 

I was SCARED because I feared the unknown of the future of my diagnosis. 

I was SAD because the last time I got knee surgery on my right ACL in 2010 my mom was there holding my hand… 

Yet at the same time, I became full of GRATITUDE because my sister had come to care for me, my co-parent was able to take care of our son Beckett, and my knee was fixed and could be further repaired. 

I found so much gratitude in the moments of pain and weakness that my perspective changed

Making a gratitude list like the one below was pivotal during this time of healing. 

I am truly GRATEFUL for my house because it allowed me a comfortable place to rest and recover.

I am truly BLESSED for my community of friends because they brought me food. 

With all my heart I am truly GRATEFUL I have a job at the hospital because it pays me while I am healing.

I am truly THANKFUL I have breathwork because it doesn’t require a lot of physical activity.

I am truly BLESSED to have sobriety because it allows me to rise up out of the ashes. 

I have been reading “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne and the book has helped me through this time of rest and healing. It has strengthened my recovery in sobriety and shown me how the magic of gratitude can redirect my thinking and perspective in a matter of minutes. 

As I continue this healing journey with my knee, I am also focusing healing attention on my soul, my sobriety, my connection with my higher power, and parenting my sweet baby (toddler). 

Watching my thoughts, and my reactions like a tiger stalking its prey… I pause, as best I can, I listen, I repeat what I am hearing, I try to focus on what I can do better to help and not enable, I tell the truth, I connect with nature, I teach, I learn, I yearn to become as HUMBLE as I possibly can because that is where the MAGIC happens. 

Constantly reminding myself that I am not GOD, that I cannot save everyone and I always try to check my motives before I do ANYTHING… I am trudging the road, one day at a time, and finding peace in my perspective of this beautiful life on Earth. 


Byrne, R. (2012). The Magic. Atria Books. 

Crimi, J. (2022) Live In-Person Breathwork Class

Sills, R. (2023) “Libra Season Overview.”



Scorpio Season


Virgo Season