Scorpio Season

October 23rd- November 22nd

Better late than never! It is already halfway through Sagittarius season and I am just now able to reflect on this past Scorpio Season! It was so powerful! 

The exoskeleton that I shed after Scorpio season was thick. Can anyone relate? 

Scorpio is a fixed water sign represented by the Scorpion. This Zodiac sign is ruled by Mars and Pluto. In the body, Scorpio represents the sacral region, tailbone, hips, and pubic area. Scorpios are like powerful shamans, and astrologers describe them often as people who have a controlled passion and are masters of their instincts (Richards, 2021). 

Scorpio season is all about Ego deaths, transformations, and painful processes (Richards, 2021). 

I love Scorpio season because I find my truest self there every year it comes. My natal (birth) chart boasts many Scorpio placements ( 

My Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto were all in the sign of Scorpio and my 6th house when I was born (11/29/1986). There was a 4 planet stellium in Scorpio that day. 

A stellium is when 3 or more planets or celestial bodies are lined up together (Robinson, 2022). 

  More specifically a Scorpio Stellium represents health transformations and researching at your job. The planets are all in the 6th house which also represents health habits (Robinson, 2022). 

How I interpret this information is that my habits are vital to my health.

Another interesting interpretation of my natal chart is that both my Venus placement AND my Moon placement, are what astrologers refer to as “in detriment” or as some texts refer to this placement “in fall.” It can be considered a poor placement or a difficult and or painful placement.  

Merriam-Webster (2023) defines a “detriment” as something harmful to someone or something. 

           Because each Zodiac sign is influenced by or can be ruled by a specific celestial body, when a planet is found in a zodiac sign that is unfamiliar and far away from its home sign, the planet will metaphorically “act up.” 

        The Moon and Venus are powerful inner planetary rulers. Planets that are closer to the sun tend to affect us as individuals rather than the outer planets which affect the generation of people you were born into (Sills, 2023). 

       When looking at your natal chart pay close attention to the inner planets, especially if you are curious about your internal thoughts and behaviors. Inner planets tell us about our relationships, money, attitudes, subconscious thoughts about lust, love, our sexual preferences, and overall emotions. You might be able to find some solace. Perhaps some sane reasoning by which you act and how you respond to certain situations. 

     The Moon cycle is talked about regularly, even though people think astrology is a pseudo-science, we still put the moon cycles on all the calendars we buy. 

      The Moon rules the zodiac sign Cancer, which is a water sign and symbolized by the crab. The Moon represents our emotions, our soul, our instincts, and the unconscious (Richards, 2021). In the body, it represents the stomach breasts, digestion, fluids, and secretions. 

       Remember a Moon in Scorpio is a detriment. The Moon feels very weird being in this sign!

Scorpio being the zodiacal sign that represents death and taxes, can sometimes be given a bad rap. However, Scorpio rules most of my emotions, relationships, feelings, and internal monologues. Does this mean I am bad too? HELL NO!

We need Scorpio to show us important life lessons. We need the Scorpion’s experience to survive, its armor, its ability to protect, and its threatening deathly poison to push us into uncomfortable places so we can respond and grow. In my opinion, Scorpio could be more powerful than most because it is patient, quiet, and calculated.  

Like a bog or deep watery cave full of mystery, this fixed water sign awaits unassumingly for its prey to fall in. 

What does one do when they have planets in detriment like I have here? Freaking out is not an option. Wishing it weren’t true is not helpful. Forgetting isn’t fun.

Personally, I’d like to find out more about my diagnosis. And remind myself that, what might seem bad could be one of the greatest gifts I ever receive!

One of my favorite writers and astrologers, Alice (2020) suggests that self-compassion is huge when reparenting a Scorpio Moon. Scorpio Moons are loners, they are resourceful and will do whatever it takes to do the thing they must do. Scorpio Moons will hide their true selves so they don’t get hurt, putting their partners through multiple tests and hoops. When a Scorpio Moon can come out of hiding and feel safe and loved, that is when they will shine. 

When I first read this information it was such a relief. Now I know what to do to heal my Moon. And as for my Venus, I learned a similar lesson… Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra, symbolizing the throat, cheeks, kidneys, and internal reproductive organs (Richards, 2021). Venus is considered in detriment when it lies in the signs of Aries and Scorpio. 

Venus in detriment is heavy! Jealousy, competitiveness, a threat to their relationships, and self-doubting are often the experiences of people who have Venus in Aries or Scorpio. 

If you are a person who has been in a relationship where you grow but your partner stays the same do you leave them? If you are a Venus in Scorpio the answer is “Yes of course!” 

Are you passively ok with just swiping right for a date or do you like to hunt, stalk, and take from your prey? 

If you answered the latter that would be a Venus in detriment. 

As a Venus in detriment “desires are not socially correct,” but desires are powerful and often feel like too much.  Venus in Scorpio wants to consume, own, possess, and dominate (Kat, 2021). 

  “Venus in detriment becomes insatiable with desire.” -Alice Sparkly Kat

My God this explains so much of how I operate it is scary! How does one heal this detriment? Again, in my opinion, it has everything to do with acknowledgment and acceptance of one's self. 

Can I accept that maybe I have some things I could work on in the areas of love, relationships, beauty, and pleasure? 

Can I ask for help when I am in a relationship with someone for the long haul? 

Can I remain open-minded and willing to receive? 

 I hope you find your Venus and Moon placements and get curious about astrology.

Lean into self-compassion and learn that it isn’t your fault, you are not the victim. There is no shame in feeling the way you do! There are tons of other people out there who feel like this and they need to hear your struggles too!

Curious about your natal chart? The website had free diagrams to use to find your placements! 

Want help reading your chart? I would love to be your guide! Email me for more information at


Kat, A. (2020,2021) “Reparenting Scorpio Moon’s” & “Venus in Detriment”

Merriam Webster dictionary,detriment%20of%20his%20personal%


Robinson, K. (2022) “The 6th house stellium composite transit natal”

Richards, A. (2021) “Scorpio” pg. 365, 366 (Taschen, “The Library of Esoterica”) Astrology

Sills, R. (2022) Zoom meeting or Tea time in the space of


Sagittarius Season


libra season