Sagittarius Season

November 22-December 21

Mutable Fire sign Ruled by Jupiter and the 9th house

“Sagittarius continues Scorpio’s quest for wisdom, moving his focus from deep inner work p to the horizon, where he joyfully seeks truth and adventure. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of religion and exaggeration, Sagittarius readily forms beliefs and philosophies.” -Juliana McCarthy (pg. 390, Astrology)

This dual-bodied beast is half human half horse and signifies Sagittarus’s intelligence and strength… similar to that of its polar opposite Gemini. 

This season was very transformative for me. I turned 37 years old on November 29th and quit vaping for the 5th time. I also fully quit using chemicals in my household. This included stuff like bleach, synthetic fragrances (excluding essential oils they are natural), Windex, OxiClean, dryer sheets, commercial pork products, and anything I couldn’t pronounce the name of, and I replaced it with vinegar, baking soda and my Enagic water machine. 

What does all the above have to do with Sagittarius Season? The embers of the fire are burning during this season. The last remnants of discard must be dealt with. This season I finally burned my addictions and my scarcity mindset to the ground. Only bits and pieces float around like small soot specks in a chimney. 

To grow we must experience pain. There is no way around pain,  you must go through it to grow. 

Q: How does a caterpillar become a butterfly? 

A: through a ton of adversity.  

First, the caterpillar must survive being a caterpillar. They must eat and eat at an alarming pace to become fat enough to make it through the cacoon phase. Then a calculated risk must be taken when preparing the cocoon for transformation.  When and where to place the cocoon can be a deal breaker. After that, the cocoon must remain intact while the caterpillar transforms. 

Imagine growing wings from your back! Imagine waiting in a dark room for this to take place and waking up having no idea what has changed outside of your cocoon during your transformation. What kind of trust and belief would you need to have in the cocoon in the first place? I mean it all sounds pretty insane to me. But not to a caterpillar and especially not to a butterfly…

Renee Sills offers the explanation of New Worlds forming and stepping into better versions of ourselves this is a list of the season highlights here

“Preparations are being made for an unknown future

  • Labor and sacrifice are required now for future success

  • Ordeals and tests. Thresholds must be crossed

  • Everything that follows depends on how we meet these challenges

  • Perspective and attitude have a lot to do with process and outcome.

  • Heaven and hell are within us. 

  • Tune in with what’s being asked of you. Help others listen to their own questions

  • Different skills are required, so many are needed. 

  • Everyone has a role in the revolution

  • Scarcity mindsets can’t be curious or see opportunity

  • Abundance thrives in conditions of generosity

  • Let go of ownership. Even your body is borrowed. Your spirit is made of multitudes (Sills, 2023).”

 If you are wondering where this new year is headed… stay tuned. I'm currently in my cocoon phase now waiting for my wings to grow and my antennas to be set in place. 

Consider the words of Miss Sills and know that everything you are doing right now will prepare you for the unknown future. Even if you can’t see what is coming nature has a way of catching us no matter the circumstances. Just ask any butterfly!


Sills, R. (2023) “New Worlds are Possible: Embodied Astrology for Sagittarius Season (November 22-December 21)”


Richards, A. (2021) “Scorpio” pg. 365, 366 (Taschen, “The Library of Esoterica”) Astrology


Capricorn season


Scorpio Season