Manifesting Your Dreams

I had a dream a few months ago that my Son’s Dad helped me. In the past we had been on rocky terms but share our son 50/50. Realistically he does help me in this world, by being a good dad to my son. But I have never dreamed of him helping me in my dreamscapes.

In my dream, he pulled a tick from my leg. My son was also in my dream and he was happy, he was tending to his garden. He had tiny strawberries growing there. During this same dream, I could feel my mom there but she has been hard to see.

I wonder if dreams are your subconscious beliefs or inner truths. I am fascinated by the show that came out on Netflix called Sandman earlier this year. The main character, the King of Dreams, is named Morpheus, and he is intriguing! Ever since I was a small child, 4-5 years of age, I have had very intense and realistic types of dreams. The Shaman I see, tells me that this world, the one we currently inhabit as humans, is an illusion. I believe her. We go on Journeys and she holds space for me so I can visit the “Lower World” (I mistakenly call it the Underworld but she is nice enough to correct me) and the “Upper World.” These worlds are not Heaven and Hell. From my understanding, they are places that Shamans’ believe, are where parts of our spiritual selves reside.

The Lower World is not bad nor good, but it is in fact located beneath Earth or below the land. The upper world is neither bad nor good. It is above Earth. Earth is just a planet that inhabits spirits who live in human bodies.

The spiritual realm is expansive and has no boundaries. This is hard for me to imagine but I think the point is exactly just that. Visiting with the Shaman allows me to “Let Go” of the control I think I need in order to be “OK” in this life. Trusting her has allowed me to trust others and myself a little more. Working with her has helped me with my sobriety, my confidence in myself, and my higher power.

The Shaman moved into the house next door, right after the previous occupant killed herself in that same house. It was March 2020, and the virus wasn’t even here yet, but rumors had started to rumble about it. I was headed to Tulum, Mexico with my sister, and our best friends, April and Jessi. We were shocked when we set foot inside the L.A. airport for a connecting flight. Almost everyone had a mask on. What the fuck was happening?! A nightmare? Needless to say, nothing much happened while we were in Mexico. We were being protected from the madness that ensued in the U.S.

When we returned home, it was as if we had been in a bunker for a week during a huge tornado. Bend was a ghost town. My roommate, at the time, was petrified with fear. She was so full of fear she demanded I move out. Although she was kind enough to allow me 30 days to find a new place, she could have contracted the virus and likely died from the virus during that time (according to her logic). So you can see how the virus didn’t make any sense and therefore no one was not in their right mind…

I was working at the hospital. Everyone working at the hospital was getting this sort of crazed treatment too. It was as if we were plagued with the virus and had some sort of superhuman powers that would only allow us to spread the virus but never fall ill. People wanted our help if they got the virus, but wouldn’t have us live with them or come into their homes. This dramatic pandemic, along with the rise in suicide, demonstrates how tragic our society and culture have become. People are so full of fear they can’t think logically or control their emotions.

I digress. Things began to change because when the Shaman moved in, I was never afraid of the virus. I was afraid of my roommate for a moment, yes. I was tired of moving. Afraid yet annoyed, I called the owner of the house and told her the truth. I told the owner, that my loving roommate (seriously we had been fine till now) suddenly wanted me gone because I worked at the hospital. The owner assured me that I need not worry, because she was in the process of selling the house. Therefore, we would both need to move, or perhaps… one of us could buy the house. I was mystified. I told my friend Penny of the situation, and she suggested I talk to her mortgage broker to see if (yours truly) could buy the house!

It was now April and the grass was starting to grow in my yard. Another magical moment was happening right in front of my eyes… the sun had peeked out of the clouds and I spotted Morel Mushrooms popping out of the ground in my yard. I giggled with excitement and shared with my friend that these beautiful fungi were a sign from God. A sign from Mother Nature, the house I was asked to leave, could actually be mine.

Fast forward to June 1st of 2020, or perhaps the end of May, and I am days away from closing on my future and current home. The Shaman introduced herself. She said she was an energy worker. I was curious and announced that I would continue to be her neighbor because I was in the process of buying the house. She was thrilled. I told her the story of how I came into buying the house and that my closing date would have been June 2nd but was now June 4th. I also told her that it would have been a special day to close on June 2nd because 3 years ago my mom had died on June 2nd (this was where it got interesting). After The Shaman acknowledged my mom’s passing, she said June 2nd was her birthday. On June 2nd, 2017 my mom left this world. June 2nd is an extraordinary day.

The turn of events during 2020 did not stop there. On June 10th I found out I was pregnant. I had been wishing for a baby since my mom’s death in 2017. I had wished for a house since I first moved to Bend in 2008. I had been manifesting my dreams since I can remember.

Do you believe in your Dreams? What are your thoughts when it comes to accessing other worlds? Have you ever worked with a Shaman? Please email me or visit my instagram!


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