desk monkey

Hot Freshly made copy paper STINGS the stale office air

It’s 8 am and the weak, sad, substance they like to call “COFFEE” is made and ready for the slew of needy customers. 

A phone ring BREAKS the still silence and we are off!

Minds, Hearts, and Hands vigorously working for the weekend.

Keyboard strokes and telephone calls rule the hours ahead.

Clicking, buzzing, blank STARES into a computer screen.

Not sure if this is what I signed up for…

Data entry, FAKE smiles, overworked fingertips.

Office life is not for me.

Blank walls, tiny cubicles, light that makes your skin ghost white. WHAT A DELIGHT!

40-hour work week just to barely squeak by?

‘The American Dream’ CRUSHED between your chair cushion.

8-5 feelings bottled set on the shelf.

5 pm never felt so good

8 am comes to quick 

In a blink of an eye, life goes on


